Friday, December 8, 2017

Happy Birthday !!!

Now a days, I miss those beautiful eyes around me
The eyes...which gets filled with emotions
for my every little wanted- unwanted story.
Now a days, I miss that beautiful smile around me
The laughter... which gets bigger and bigger
with every mischievous story of my little one.

Now a days, I miss those beautiful words around me
The words...inspirational, caring, motivating ones
which comes after every chat we had together. 

Now a days, I miss that simplicity around me
a rare nature...with all beautiful qualities 
which is blended with the highest power of understanding.

Now a days, I miss those appreciation around me
The appreciation...for my every little creation
which is a loveliest fuel of my life's engine.

Now a days, I miss that little girl around me
A sweet girl...whom I can call my best friend
and wish a bunch of good wishes for her everyday.

Happy Birthday, Ritu !!! 
May God bless you with showers of success and happiness.

- Rupali.

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